Author Topic: Sega developing for XBOX?  (Read 1998 times)


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Sega developing for XBOX?
« on: 2 June 2002, 22:24 »
Why in the world is Sega developing for XBOX?  They are working on Panzer Drragoon for it and this just ticks me off, the xbox should fail, it is an AMERICAN console for christ's sake!

Plus i heard that square is going to do final fantasy XI and XII for XBOX!! what is happening here?


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Sega developing for XBOX?
« Reply #1 on: 3 June 2002, 00:11 »
Squaresoft has said they wil release Final Fantasy XI and XII for the PS2 before any other system.

Hell, just because someone was tricked into buying a crappy system(XBOX), doesn't mean they shouldn't have any games to play on it.


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Sega developing for XBOX?
« Reply #2 on: 3 June 2002, 00:15 »
Originally posted by Heru:
Squaresoft has said they wil release Final Fantasy XI and XII for the PS2 before any other system.

Yes, but they have confirmed a pc version, and i believe they have confirmed a XBOX version too...


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Sega developing for XBOX?
« Reply #3 on: 3 June 2002, 00:19 »
Originally posted by cloudstrife:

Yes, but they have confirmed a pc version, and i believe they have confirmed a XBOX version too...

Yeah, but those versions are going to come out after the PS2 version.  Squaresoft has released PC versions of Final Fantasy 7 and 8, so it's not a surprise.  And since the XBOX is basically a slightly modified PC, it's not that hard to port the PC version to.

As I said, even if someone has a crappy system(XBOX) they still have the right to good games.


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Sega developing for XBOX?
« Reply #4 on: 3 June 2002, 00:53 »
Originally posted by Heru:

Yeah, but those versions are going to come out after the PS2 version.  Squaresoft has released PC versions of Final Fantasy 7 and 8, so it's not a surprise.  And since the XBOX is basically a slightly modified PC, it's not that hard to port the PC version to.

As I said, even if someone has a crappy system(XBOX) they still have the right to good games.

I can see your point, and I don't want to get in a flame war here, but i think that the majority of intelligent gamers (of the type that play ff) didn't buy an XBox, because they bought a PS2 or gamecube instead.  Judging from M$'s past buisiness deals, i would hate to see sega or square get into a deal with M$, just to have microsoft rip them off.


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Sega developing for XBOX?
« Reply #5 on: 3 June 2002, 05:09 »
modified PC? what? an Xbox is a shitty PC, it's a celery 700 for gods' sake, with all the bits soldered together like in a laptop so you can't upgrade! the thing i wanted to say here was, PC VERSIONS?!?!? please do say windows versions if that is what you mean. I don't know if there are linux, BeOS, BSD, Solaris et c versions of final fantasy, but i bet there are not ports for all of those. Not all people with a PC actually have windows, so please say windows if that is what you mean.

I know it's pedantic but i don't like everything being tarred with the Microsoft brush unjustly.
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