All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Hardware

The thread that won't die... aka TO ALL ANTI-XBOX DICKSUCKERS

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quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
Looks like M$ has already released a Linux console. It's called the Xbox:

I don't believe the stories are true about M$ losing money on the sale of the Xbox itself but if it is true, I think it would be extremely funny and ironic if all of the Xboxes are swept off the shelves to build Linux super computer clusters, thus causing M$ to lose so much money they go out of business, or at least give up on the Xcrox.    

[ August 12, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
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hmm as much as I like linux this would be poor because once you linuxify your xbox you cant play games on it and I seriously doubt microserf would happily replace it if you wanted to actually use it as a console because it violates their license agreement. Still if you never play games or have a spare xbox you could run it as a cheap server.

Oh im sure you love your X-box(can you surf for pr0n and make it an XXX-box?) XP, but you ever realize how few games(especially non-ported games) there are released for it?


the bitrange on the gamecube is WIDER and it is really 4x what it says:
If you scale the Xbox to Nintendos:
485MHz IBM PowerPC "Gecko" w/256KB L2 Cache
the xbox would only be:
183.5mhz - Cpu
33.2mhz - FSB

Because the XBOX can only transfer /4 of the Gamecubes 128 bits  Suck shit...
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LOL! Im wrong then.


quote:Originally posted by smokey mcp0t / b0b:

hmm as much as I like linux this would be poor because once you linuxify your xbox you cant play games on it and I seriously doubt microserf would happily replace it if you wanted to actually use it as a console because it violates their license agreement. Still if you never play games or have a spare xbox you could run it as a cheap server.
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First of all, "I" would never buy an Xcrox.  But the entire point of my reply was that you would intentionally *not* run games on it.  It would be used only as part of a Linux cluster.  After all, it's the games that is where M$ is supposed to be making their money.  If all the Xboxes are cleared from the shelves by people building Linux clusters before the little gamer kids can buy one then there certainly will be no game sales.  M$ loses.

Im disapointed with MS. They got so much fucking money, and they fail to secure game developers interest. A possible theory, it's beyond MS control.

DeveloperX:We do console stuff to get away from the retard frustrations and limitations of the wind0ze enviroment. We shall not touch a MS and wind0ze related console system.

Now we know MS won't EVER change their system(What developer X wants), so we can say this situation is beyond MS control.


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