All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Hardware

The thread that won't die... aka TO ALL ANTI-XBOX DICKSUCKERS

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Jeez, dude. All you have to do is look at the graphics of the two. Go to or something and you can see how much better the gamecube's graphics are. And at least the gamecube's controllers FIT IN YOUR HAND!

Red Ranger Software! You're those dumbasses that are creating It's been five months you male cunts! It still says coming soon!

I'm too lazy to finnish the fuckApple page. It's the idea that matters! Apple is communism, bann them forever.

are you suggesting communism should be banned? what's the alternative? democracy? if you truly believe in democracy, then you will believe that people should be allowed to vote FOR communism.

Also, apple is quite obviously NOT communism. They are almost as capitalist as Microsoft.


Hehe, red ranger software, I love that name! Remember, we live in a half-democracy(Although some countries are an exception, they count as three quarters of full democracy). 150 years ago America was likely a full democracy, but now it's a nice half-democracy. Perhaps by 2050-2100(2150 at the latest) we'll see it reduced to a quarter-democracy. Damn demodecay.  ;)


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