Author Topic: Do you have a console?  (Read 27732 times)


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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #135 on: 18 July 2006, 23:33 »
Quote from: toadlife
Everything works there.
Especially malware.
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a poem by my computer, Macintosh Vigilante
Macintosh amends a damned around the requested typewriter. Macintosh urges a scarce design. Macintosh postulates an autobiography. Macintosh tolls the solo variant. Why does a winter audience delay macintosh? The maker tosses macintosh. Beneath female suffers a double scum. How will a rat cube the heavier cricket? Macintosh calls a method. Can macintosh nest opposite the headache? Macintosh ties the wrong fairy. When can macintosh stem the land gang? Female aborts underneath macintosh. Inside macintosh waffles female. Next to macintosh worries a well.


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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #136 on: 19 July 2006, 01:35 »
Quote from: toadlife
You sound bitter. Does the truth hurt? :D

The truth that Window$ is "better" than other OSs ? Well then I don't see any reason why you would be using FreeBSD ... you have not answered my question ...



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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #137 on: 19 July 2006, 01:44 »
Of course I have a console, in fact I have three: sh, rc and bash.
Operating System Advocacy. I've given up on the Microsuck project, as well as any of the minisite spinoffs. You can still view the new beta site, though!


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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #138 on: 19 July 2006, 03:37 »
Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
The truth that Window$ is "better" than other OSs ? Well then I don't see any reason why you would be using FreeBSD ... you have not answered my question ...


I'm an IT professional.


And I happen like Unix-types OS's, and have a preference for the *BSDs. Do you have a problem with that?


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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #139 on: 19 July 2006, 05:37 »
So you are forced to use BSD, but would rather use Window$ ... why use an OS where everything doesn't work ? Obviously, if as you said, "everything works in Window$" (as opposed to other OSes), why use anything else ? Yet you prefer BSD ? But you are forced to use BSD cuz it's your job ?

It doesn't quite make sense to me


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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #140 on: 19 July 2006, 08:47 »
Apparently you didn't understand what I meant when I said "it's my job". As an IT professional, it's my job to know how to use various operating systems. There are pretty much two OS's today - Windows and *unix. I choose BSD as the Unix I use.

Windows is better for desktop functions and is also best for certain server (read: active directory) applications. I keep a BSD desktop up because it helps me to keep my unix skills sharp. The things that I use BSD for are server duties. My home DSL router and webserver is a BSD machine. Our spam filters at work are BSD and linux machines. We are about to impliment bandwidth management server that will be running FreeBSD at work soon. I also plan on using BSD or linux for some kiosk-type computers at work.

I know it's hard for your brain to comprehend, but there are some of us out there in the world that view operating systems as little more than tools (or perhaps 'workbenches'), and whos live don't revolve around on degrading or promoting certain operating systems.


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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #141 on: 20 July 2006, 03:59 »
Quote from: toadlife
I know it's hard for your brain to comprehend, but there are some of us out there in the world that view operating systems as little more than tools (or perhaps 'workbenches'), and whos live don't revolve around on degrading or promoting certain operating systems.

Yes, but when one workbench tries to become the "only" workbench that anyone ever uses and does so through highly unethical, and subverise, and oppressive means ... then it becomes a problem. But, of course, there are the ignorant ones out there, who don't really give a fuck ... one workbench is just as good as another, if one takes over, go with the flow ...


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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #142 on: 20 July 2006, 06:02 »
Everything works in windows because everyone creates for windows. And by everything in the context which was used here I will assume it to mean things like console emulators out there.

I'll agree, they work better there in general. DirectX is bigger for it's use among programmers than anything on any other system. But xmame, zsnes, and a few ps1 emulators work just fine on linux. If you want genesis/nes/misc emulation you might try xmess.


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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #143 on: 20 July 2006, 08:08 »
Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
But, of course, there are the ignorant ones out there, who don't really give a fuck ... one workbench is just as good as another, if one takes over, go with the flow ...

So I'm ignorant because I choose not to make which operating system everyone uses one of the primary focuses of my life?


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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #144 on: 20 July 2006, 10:33 »
Quote from: toadlife
So I'm ignorant because I choose not to make which operating system everyone uses one of the primary focuses of my life?

 Nope.  You're ignorant because you chose to take a quote out of context and feign offense to support your views.  Seriously though, if you don't care what system you use and don't care what practices take place in its development, then you most certainly are ignorant - in both the technical and ideological senses of the word.

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

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even if you're renting you've got more rights than if you're using windows.

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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #145 on: 21 July 2006, 07:30 »
Quote from: Orethrius
Nope.  You're ignorant because you chose to take a quote out of context and feign offense to support your views.

Which quote did I take out of context? Was it the one where Tex, the guy who just recently learned how to shut his linux box down without the help of KDE, implied that I am ignorant about operating systems?

Quote from: Orethrius
Seriously though, if you don't care what system you use and don't care what practices take place in its development, then you most certainly are ignorant - in both the technical and ideological senses of the word.

Ironically, one of the reasons I preffer FreeBSD over linux is what practices take place in it's development. I put the last part of your quote in bold because it illustrates my point quite nicely. Most everyone holds some sort of idealogical stance. Calling someone ignorant because they don't agree with your stance makes no sense. I am fully aware of why people choose to proselytize for linux and Open Source and against Microsoft, but me choosing not to subscribe to those beleifs does not make me "ignorant" in any sense.


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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #146 on: 21 July 2006, 09:00 »
Quote from: toadlife
Which quote did I take out of context? Was it the one where Tex, the guy who just recently learned how to shut his linux box down without the help of KDE, implied that I am ignorant about operating systems?

If you were new around here, I might let that one slide - but you forget that
(a) while TexMex instigated the situation, rather than address his point, you chose hyperbole that did nothing but further the spite between both parties involved.
(b) you have made us PAINFULLY aware of your preferences.  I, for one, could NEVER convince myself that a system where you have to deal with blue screens, missing drivers, and broken dynamic libraries is somehow more "desktop-ready" than a solid-state kernel with static extensions.  This, however, remains my preference and mine only, but I wish you wouldn't make the wholly arrogant mistake that your view is the only one here.  Read the forum title, breathe, and  reconsider before you post.  If that gets to be too much for you, then please find a venue that might be more appreciative of your particular stance.  'Tis better to change the stance to the forum than to attempt to change the stance of the forum.

Quote from: toadlife
Ironically, one of the reasons I preffer FreeBSD over linux is what practices take place in it's development. I put the last part of your quote in bold because it illustrates my point quite nicely. Most everyone holds some sort of idealogical stance. Calling someone ignorant because they don't agree with your stance makes no sense. I am fully aware of why people choose to proselytize for linux and Open Source and against Microsoft, but me choosing not to subscribe to those beleifs does not make me "ignorant" in any sense.

Actually, you managed to debunk my point quite thoroughly with that reply.  However, I think the problem is not so much that you advocate BSD - which is a level of brilliance on its own, but I won't address that here - but that you promote the usage of Windows on an anti-Microsoft forum.  Tell me, do you also go to movie boards on IMDB and post how much X movie sucks on its board?  If it's not ignorance, and it's not arrogance, then it's certainly a degree of masochism that I'm not comfortable with indulging on a daily basis.

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

Quote from: Calum
even if you're renting you've got more rights than if you're using windows.

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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #147 on: 21 July 2006, 18:29 »
Quote from: toadlife
Which quote did I take out of context? Was it the one where Tex, the guy who just recently learned how to shut his linux box down without the help of KDE, implied that I am ignorant about operating systems?

Actually, I've never used KDE for more than 5 min total (I used GNOME then fluxbox). And as for shutting down my box without the WM, I learned that (forcefully) about a week after switching to Linux ... in GNOME my mouse sometimes stopped working, so the only thing to do besides a hard reboot would be bring up a terminal (with a hotkey), log in as root, and type in the shutdown command (yes my keyboard still worked). After I switched to fluxbox, this never happened again (except a few times while playing a few unstable games). And there was also the problem of nautilus crashing quite often.

Now, I thought I made most of that clear or realatively clear in the post you linked me to. But you still choose to insult me in some way ... I wonder why ... could it be that you really don't have too much of an argument going ?

Quote from: toadlife
I am fully aware of why people choose to proselytize for linux and Open Source and against Microsoft, but me choosing not to subscribe to those beleifs does not make me "ignorant" in any sense.

Well let's define ignorance ...

"The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed." (

Looks like there are three possibilities ... uneducated (perhaps this one does not apply here, after all you are an IT), unaware (this one may not apply here either, as you are aware of both arguments), or uninformed (this might apply here if you are not aware of, or choose to ignore all the things M$ has done over the years, and yes most of these things were not good things)

Subscribing to beliefs has very little to do with ignorance. Ignoring the obvious has a lot to do with ignorance ...


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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #148 on: 23 July 2006, 12:24 »
PS2 with a multiregion chip in it...

I can play any countrries game, and watch region 1, 2 and 3 DVD's. I dunno why only 1, 2 & 3, guess that's all the chip was prog'd for.
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Re: Do you have a console?
« Reply #149 on: 26 July 2006, 04:07 »
Super Fucking Nintendo.
Go the fuck ~