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The Console

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pardon me for clearing webspace by deleting pictures used in threads ages old.


quote:Originally posted by Xyle: Mac Commando:
i stand by nintendo. i am not going to get into why i think nintendo is better, or why sony sucks, none of that. i like all consoles (except of course, xbox), i just like nintendo more. i look forward to what they bring out in the next few years.
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Word. I got a Gamecube and I don't see a thing wrong with it. It loads in 2 seconds versus instant, but like I care. What I hated was that my carts always got dust/bent prongs and stuff. Plus they're more expensive.

Oh and GamerX, what is GC "lacking" (besides NASCAR racing games and a myriad of Turn Based RPGs with girl-armed dudes). I dare you to go play SSBM, The Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, and SMS (even though its not as good as Mario 64, its still good!) and say that again. Plus we are getting a new Mario Kart (with network play, mind you), F-Zero, and Metroid Prime 2. Booyaah

[ May 03, 2003: Message edited by: Windows XP Hater #2874586 ]

First of all, it is my personal opinion that Metroid Prime is terrible and that Zelda:The Wind Waker is the best Zelda yet. SSBM is a great game, but SMS pales in comparison to Ratchet & Clank. GameCube is lacking RPGs and platformers (my two favorite genres). I still like it, but PS2 is better.

I'd rather get an XBOX than a PS2, at least the 'box has faster hardware and has some decent PC ports like Morrowind.  All I see on the PS2 are some generic racing games and umpteen unoriginal turn-based RPGS.


quote:Originally posted by GamerX:
First of all, it is my personal opinion that Metroid Prime is terrible
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