Author Topic: Linux is now a police tool  (Read 2503 times)


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Linux is now a police tool
« on: 18 October 2002, 17:12 »
Well well well, the UK has surprised me with their choice, they are rolling linux out on 60,000 desktops across the country.  At who's cost we don't have to ask!


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Linux is now a police tool
« Reply #1 on: 18 October 2002, 17:42 »
i'm impressed.

for the first time david blunkett (our home secretary, who is currently making a lot of noise about huge police reforms) has actually done something that might benefit the police force in the long term, rather than just the next year or so, to bolster his personal campaign to one up his fellow members. (oh yes, all of our politicians are members...)
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Linux is now a police tool
« Reply #2 on: 18 October 2002, 17:49 »
It is strange how they come out with this, but i do remember a while back that they were looking into their software uses and how they could scale costs down.  If this is their first step then its a good one, also the fact that this might branch into other areas is also good, some finally are having an open mind.  The linux admins i suppose are gonna be happy because costs are down and they could preach how good it is to extend linux further.

Its a start though.