Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

Linux bound, but with problems to overcome.

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quote:Originally posted by Jimmy don't give a shit about MS:
so Winamp 5 does the things that iTunes has done all along!


as for rating songs, who gives a shit? I go to the one I like and play it. who needs to rate them. I know what I like
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Well, apparently I do. I rated all of my songs. That made it easy to enqueue all of my 5 star songs,
5 and 4 star, etc.

There is no iTunes for Linux.


quote:Does anyone know how to get Media Keys(Stop, play/pause, skip, mute, etc.) to work on a keyboard that has them?
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Depends what window manager you're using. You have to map the keys to the relevant command. e.g. you map the skip button to "xmms -f" (if you're using xmms that is).

[ January 27, 2004: Message edited by: flap ]

Master of Reality:
does anyone know if there is a utility in mandrake to map keys?

[ January 28, 2004: Message edited by: The Master of Reality ]


quote:Originally posted by The Master of Reality:
does anyone know if there is a utility in mandrake to map keys?

[ January 28, 2004: Message edited by: The Master of Reality ]
--- End quote ---



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