Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX
Windows emulator for linux
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This program is guaranteed to effectively turn your linux box into a superperforming windows machine!
(just save as windows.cpp, compile with gcc -o windows windows.cpp and start as a background process )
[ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: BadKarma ]
i think i get the idea, but for the uninitiated (and the dumb!) what's it do?
This time, it's not sarcasm i'm afraid!
like I said, it gives your linux box the unmatched performance of a windows system! (hint: it's all in the new operator)
quote:Originally posted by Calum:
i think i get the idea, but for the uninitiated (and the dumb!) what's it do?
This time, it's not sarcasm i'm afraid!
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Calum the program runs forever and does nothing other than slowly devouring your memory.
Nice one BadKarma
One thought though shouldn't this be....
n = "buy buy";
[ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: Centurian ]
It should probably be "buy buy" yeah
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