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If you run findsmb in a terminal do the other hosts show up?

It seems my Linux box is knocking my router out too.... very odd. I turn it on, after maybe 10-15 minutes, I lose all connections. I unplug/plug my router, it works. Funky..

When you lose your connection, just check for me if your IP adress has changed. (ifconfig)

PS. Did findsmb reveal anything?

findsmb only lists the local pc. I can access the others using the IP address.

Could my network layout have something to do with it.. I have 4 computers connected to a router, and the Linux box is #5, so it's connected to a windows PC and gets net access by internet connection sharing.

Damnit... I shoulda checked first, but they can't see to ping each other. The Linux box can ping the box it's directly connected to and vice-versa. The PC that it's directly connected to Linux on the network, but cannot access the shares. Hehe...

Oop. Killing the firewall helped. Now the Linux and box connected right to it can share.

[ January 19, 2005: Message edited by: Fett101 ]


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