Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX
Another reason to use linux
Good choice with freebsd I think :cool:
BTW, if you wait a few (days?) FreeBSD 4.6-STABLE is going to be released.
quote: Do you realize that you don't need to be root to have all the files in your home directory, where all the documents and local program configurations are, infected or wiped out?
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I'm sorry but wiping a WHOLE system is more devastating than wiping ONE USER.
quote: There are and have been huge gaping security holes in BSD and Linux, but people don't hear about it like they do when one of Microsoft's operating systems has a problem. And, actually, since no one has any official quality control over Linux like Microsoft does, and due to the fact that very few people are actively trying to discover Linux security flaws compared to the legions attempting to hack Windows every day,...
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Wrong again. This is total opinion. I think you have it backwards. Legions try to break into *nix operating systems because they actually have the source code (and its funny because fixes are released hours after the os team is made aware, unlike the DAYS or more you have to wait for a MicroS fix). I think you should accompany your argument with real life statistics, rather than information taken from a poll in a microsoft chat-room/webpage. Thats limited thinking for a limited user.
[ May 30, 2002: Message edited by: dwar ]
quote:originally posted by the moron:
Do you realize that you don't need to be root to have all the files in your home directory, where all the documents and local program configurations are, infected or wiped out?
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Try humouring me for a minut. just do this: boot into DOS, type "C:" <enter>, then type "deltree /y *" <enter>.
quote:originally posted by dwar:
Legions try to break into *nix operating systems because they actually have the source code (and its funny because fixes are released hours after the os team is made aware, unlike the DAYS or more you have to wait for a MicroS fix).
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Ha! days indeed! take for instance that "C:/Con/Con" kernal bug, that is resident in all copies of windows 95, 98 and 98se. It allows the simple viewing of a webpage using internet explorer to crash your computer instantly. I found out afterwards that there is a good chance that your entire filesystem, and all the data on it has a good chance of being erased. As i say, this bug has been present since 1995, and was not even removed for windows 98 or 98se, but on top of that, the patch was only made available at long last in 2000! that's a wait of five years for something as fucking dangerous (not to mention easy to exploit) as this to be fixed. And even then, Microsoft have hardly done their best to make people aware of the fact that they even need to get a patch.
Of course all this is moot because WHEN you need to reinstall your copy of windows, after it shits its own bed AGAIN, you will probably forget to apply the patch anyway and be back at square one.
Thats funny. They take IIS vulnerabilities (1-3 week fixes) more seriously than OS CORE vulnerabilities (5 years).
Talk about security holes, IIS is like swiss cheese.
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