Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX



I was installing some packages with the Add/Remove Packages app in RH 9 and it crashed midway.  Now when I tell it to install those packages again it says it can't find the package libgd.so.1.8 .  How do I fix this, I tried searching for it at rpmfind.net which yielded results, but I'm not sure if they are correct.  I couldn't find anything in synaptic.  I searched the 3 RH cd's to no avail.  Where can I get this.  P.S. I also tried uninstalling a package by that name, it said none was installed, so its not a half assed install rpm problem.  Just need some help.

Issue this command to rebuild the RPM database:

>rpm --rebuilddb

I think that would fix it.


quote:Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
Issue this command to rebuild the RPM database:

>rpm --rebuilddb

I think that would fix it.
--- End quote ---

when I do that I get this error

--- Code: ---
--- End code ---

I installed some updates from the RHN and it fixed this problem.  The things I wanted to install are isntalling as I type this.


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