Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX
my list of gripes with redhat 8
Damn you have the same problem as I have trying to get JazzFM, it's WiMP only. Time for a polite e-mail.
Edit : No I lie they claim to support Realplayer too. but that is all - and realplayer was put there for the Mac users. No mention of Linux so far.
[ November 13, 2002: Message edited by: pkd ]
i usually stream radio from
www.winamp.com then go to music section
im am currently using realplayer 8 for linux to stream audio
Master of Reality:
quote:Originally posted by HPC GUY:
1) no thats not my problem, STREAMING INTERNET RADIO
2) i intend on using xcdroast
3) in 7.3 you could kill an app by right klicking on the window
4) i shouldnt have to use KDE but it looks like ill have to (or downgrade)
5)see 2
6) i just dont like the fact that mozilla is default instead of galeon
--- End quote ---
when you installed redhat 8 your the fucking one who choosed the default browser... at least i got to choose.... but you can just change it the way void main said.
Why are you all cluttering up the lounge with your logic and intellectual nonsense? This should be in the Linux section!
ok, moving now, and macman you really need to put your signature on your netfirms account. none of your other hosts are any use for remote image linking.
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