Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

my list of gripes with redhat 8

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true, i have yet to learn the new quirks of 8.0, im sure in time ill learn to live with the changes. My temper sometimes gets the best of me (as im sure you know void) and i just get pissed off at the computer, im sure if i spend more time with 8 ill be loving it.

Actually your first note after using RedHat 8.0 was extremely tame compared to mine. I vowed to never use RedHat again.    The post is floating around here somewhere, just search for lotsa swear words.  

Guys If I can get RH to play the stream radio from Vh1.com , I will be in 7th heaven raised to

 So far, when I go there and I log in, the pop up window (which is supposed to be the "radio" window if you will) is just blank.

 I havent had the time to see whats going on exactly and how to fix it, but I sure hope there is a remedy for it. Unless they vh1.com are MS Nazis.

Gimme a URL.

Ops sorry dude. After i posted i went to bed. But here it is.


  They require you to register with them though.


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