Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

GNOME Questions

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quote:Originally posted by void X11:
is your friend.
--- End quote ---

I'll try this tomorrow

Master of Reality:
about the numlock on thing. What is the file that is loaded at login for every user (inlcuding virtual terminals)? Would it not be a good idea to put "setleds +num" in there to turn on numlock every time the person logs in?


quote:Originally posted by The Master of Reality / B0b:
about the numlock on thing. What is the file that is loaded at login for every user (inlcuding virtual terminals)? Would it not be a good idea to put "setleds +num" in there to turn on numlock every time the person logs in?
--- End quote ---

If you wish to figure this out from personal ambition go ahead, but only one person uses my Linux computer, me and only in either Root or my user.

Master of Reality:
I'm making a website for linux tips. This would be a good one as i have had many people ask it.

[ December 28, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / B0b ]


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