Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

Instruct me on Seting up linux !!!

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change me over ......

I picked red hat after dislikeing mandrake..... on my last install.....

tell me on how to  set up my ericsson hm120dp
dsl modem......

and tell me how i can fully chance over use my dreamweaver and paint shop pro etc...... useing Wine.

Master of Reality:
instead of photoshop try using "gimp" it comes with the distrobution (if you installed it). I have found using it better than photoshop. There is a whole bunch of programs like dreamweaver for linux too.... other will be able to tell you some.
Now... your modem.... open up a console... and type "su -" and then type your root password. You will now be logged in as root. Then type "setup" and go down to "network configuration". Then it will ask you some questions aboul your network... answer them and it wil probe for your network card and hopefully find it. if not... then come back here


quote:Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:
There is a whole bunch of programs like dreamweaver for linux too....
--- End quote ---

Don't lie. Of course, he's probably just some wanabee webdesigner, so Quanta Plus or Bluefish would do some good to him.

Dreamweaver is for posers who don't know html.  Quanta plus should suit anyone's needs.


quote:Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
Dreamweaver is for posers who don't know html.  Quanta plus should suit anyone's needs.
--- End quote ---

I wouldn't say that exactly, but, if you're planning on using it, you should already know HTML, and thus would have no problems using Quanta Plus/Vim/Bluefish/Screem/whatever.


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