Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

Problem trying to visit certain websites

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john@microsuck:~$ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl
john@microsuck:~$ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/inet_peer_minttl
john@microsuck:~$ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/inet_peer_maxttl

No, they don't all stop at the 20th hop.

Hmm, same as mine. How about the more important questions? Can you traceroute to anything that is more than 20 hops away? What other sites can't you get to. Do you have any problem getting to these sites from other OSs?

Right, first v9.core1.irv.intelenet.net or the router after it appear to drop any traceroute traffic as I have just tracerouted it from several machines, one of which can connect fine to www.toshiba.com port 80 and the rest of which cannot. You didn't say whether you were using the default debian kernel or your own compiled kernel, but I belive you will find the reason you cannot connect is because you have ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification enabled in the running kernel, some internet firewalls unforunately are rather broken and drop packets sent from machines with ECN enabled, to check if you have ECN enabled go to your Linux source directory (should be /usr/src/linux) and type
"grep CONFIG_INET_ECN .config" if the output is CONFIG_INET_ECN=y then ECN is enabled, and if you want to access these sites either wait till the firewalls are fixed / replaced (an E-mail to the admin might help!) or disable ECN, you could either recompile and reboot or much easier, echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn for a temporary fix, you should find it works fine now.

That worked quite well. Thank you very much

No problem, Glad to Help  


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