Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

No Sound in RH 8

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when i try the sndconfig, it works fine, but oss still works, esound still works, arts still works, alsa still doesn't.

CDs still won't play and mp3s still will.

and yes, to the first guy, you need to install the mp3 plugin for xmms if you haven't done so, it does not come as part of red hat 8.


quote:Originally posted by X11: Slackware Commando.:

ctrl-z will suspend the application and possibly lock /dev/dsp try ctrl-c which will cancel the execution.
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oops silly mistake from lack of caffine   :D

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by X11: Slackware Commando.:

apt-get install xmms-mp3
(i think its that)

slackware doesnt even have xmms, its the design of slackware i love. (if i wanted a distro with lots of apps id use Red-Hat 8.0.

Im considering a lfs however.
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slackware 8.1 comes with xmms as one of its packages, what have you been smoking?


I think you guys are done with a kernel and ready for an OS!


count the distros

that's pretty off topic. maybe you'd do better if you stopped trying to turn every thread into a childish bsd vs linux war.


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