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quote:Originally posted by void main:
Unmount the backup drive and remove it.     Or look into the chroot command. Better yet, use a virtual machine to screw around in (if you have VMware).
--- End quote ---

Couldn't I make a "virtual private" account? I know they sell virtual-private servers, can't I make one for myself on my own compuper?

I don't know exactly what you are referring to unless you mean like what the IBM mainframe does and has virtual machines. Again, VMware is one way of doing that. But there there is kernel level VM capabilities that I have read about and have not yet tried. Basically you will be partitioning your system into two running copies of Linux at the same time. I would have to do some digging on this. Search for "linux virtual machine" and it should come up with something... The only other way I can think of is with using "chroot" as I mentioned before.

[ December 11, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Here's the Linux virtual machine I was referring to earlier. It's actually called "User-mode Linux". I might have to dig into this and try it out..

Did I. . . Did I just challenge Void? Cool!

Shit, I forgot the link!!!!!!! Here it is:



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