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Have you always been VoidMain, or have a lot of people(me inclusive) always mis-read your name?

He's always been VoidMain. What the hell would 'VoidMan' mean?

that confused me too, legions of people have misspelt his name voidman consistently since this board started, and he's never mentioned it.

i thought it was odd before i even knew what 'voidmain' meant...

Do you now.  Well you are all WRONG!  I actually meant to spell it "VidMoin" when I signed up but I was drunk. Just kidding!     Yep, always been VoidMain.  I wanted it to be "void main" but I couldn't figure out how to get a space in there when signing up. Now that I see the impersonators using the HTML ASCII codes I could have done it that way...


quote:Originally posted by flap:
He's always been VoidMain. What the hell would 'VoidMan' mean?
--- End quote ---

VoidMan would mean something in the same sorta way 'flap' means something.  


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