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Want to play Linux games

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quote:Originally posted by DukePuke:
id software dont touch RTCW development. Its just based on q3 engine
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That's odd why is there logo on the game, in the game, in the credits, Why is it their team supposedly created it? Why is it on their website? Id did indeed create RTCW, they used the Quake 3 engine, but the game is completely different. I think you might be confused with Medal of Honor Allied Assault, which also uses the Quake 3 engine, but wasn't made by Id.

This doent mean if game title is in id website, id developed it. There are games in id site like "heretic, hexen" and btw its just raven work. id title in rtcw is because its not even q3 engine, but id assistet and consulted rtcw developers a bit.

Carmack and his t3am was thinking about doomoze ]|[, they will not even thought to develop game with existing engine, lol no

[ April 10, 2004: Message edited by: DukePuke ]


quote:Originally posted by DukePuke:
This doent mean if game title is in id website, id developed it. There are games in id site like "heretic, hexen" and btw its just raven work. id title in rtcw is because its not even q3 engine, but id assistet and consulted rtcw developers a bit.

Carmack and his t3am was thinking about doomoze ]|[, they will not even thought to develop game with existing engine, lol no

[ April 10, 2004: Message edited by: DukePuke ]
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Uh, what?

Ok listen up, Return to Castle Wolfenstein is an id software game, not just because it is on their website, but it is listed on the cover of the game, in the credits of the game, on the opening screen of the game as such. Gray Matter Studios developed the game. Activision produced the game, but it is an id game, here is how I prove it.


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