Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX
need a linux OS
quote:Originally posted by Master of Reality / Bob:
this should be in the Linux section. Get off yer asses you windoze mods!
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you're right, but i don't usually read the windows section much, it tends to be full of 'i want this and i want it now!' type stuff. fucking ring Microsoft support, i say. example:
quote:I am looking for a linux operating system that is easy to install and will work with windows 98se on the hard drive with it.
No I dont want just linux I need windows for gaming.
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actually, this is quite a friendly one, saying thanks and intrinsically it's a linux question, however the phrasing is quite common for the windows forums, you know: "i want" "don't say ... because i don't want ..." "i need windows games because i am unable to conceive of any decent games on a unix type system" et c et c, you get the idea. when you've read it once, you've read it a thousand times...
Have a look at http://www.newtolinux.org.uk/articles/whichdistro.html
It's got a list/review of the 5 most popular Distros.
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