Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

Has Linux Eclipsed Open Source?

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(EDIT) I had to throw this comment in.

Linux = The monopoly of open-source.    

[ September 11, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]

A monopoly *controls* a market, and I don't see the Linux kernel controlling anything given all my GNU programs and everything I use will also run on top of BSD.  At least in the Free world people are choosing to use Linux rather than being forced to by closed formats and lock in documents...  
Seriously, I don't care if the Linux kernel is amazingly popular, provided I still have a choice to use other things and Linus doesn't deserver getting pulled into any antitrust trials.     Eh...  I also suppose that when "Linux" is used to refer to every single GNU/Linux and in some cases BSD program that it would be seen as the whole market - but it's not, just one important part for a large amount of Free users.  This article is kinda annoying btw.  :(

Well, it did started in Linux (Debian).

Origins: Bruce Perens wrote the first draft of this document as "The Debian Free Software Guidelines", and refined it using the comments of the Debian developers in a month-long e-mail conference in June, 1997. He removed the Debian-specific references from the document to create the "Open Source Definition."

But it's still very nice from BSD to follow the right example.  ;)

A better article would be "Has Open Source eclipsed Free Software?" which, unfortunately, it has.

Insomnia please try and make more sense.  What did?  And why did Debian start it?  I use Debian personally, wtf are you talking about?


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