Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

Has Linux Eclipsed Open Source?

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quote:FSF is nice, but it needs Open Source to keep existing.
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Bull.  fucking.  shit.  The GNU project was designed to (and has with the help of the *GPL* *FREE* *not* *open source* Linux kernel) produce a FREE Operating System.  Stopping just because you've reached "open" isn't enough.  Freedom is what I want, not openness.


I do understand your concerns about "Open Source", but don't you think you attack the wrong people. Basicly the biggest problems are all those different licenses (even GPL does not really follow it intirely). FSF is nice, but it needs Open Source to keep existing.  

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The different licenses give people more choice when they release their software.  And how can the "myriad different licenses" be the fault of the FSF when the OSI license was made to give people an alternative to the already existing GPL?

*The GPL doesnt follow what entirely you tard?*  Doesn't follow public thinking?  Doesn't follow it's own ideals?  Doesn't follow cars?  WHAT DOESN"T IT FOLLOW?


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