Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

Open letter from Darl McBride

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quote:The first development followed another series of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on SCO, which took place two weeks ago.
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Someone give this fucking moron (the DoSer) a dickhead medal for giving SCO their ammo.  This is why this issue should be dealt with maturely.

quote:But if the Open Source community is to become a software developer for global corporations, respect for intellectual property is not optional
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While it comes from someone who is neither a major player or a respecter of IP, he has a point.  Nice if it applied though...

*#&%ing McBride
There is no question about the affiliation of the attacker


quote:Someone give this fucking moron (the DoSer) a dickhead medal for giving SCO their ammo. This is why this issue should be dealt with maturely.

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I remember reading an article where the author, after doing some tracing, suspected that SCO had shut down their site on purpose.
But you are right, DOS attacks are the wrong approach.


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