Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

Microsoft manager is a buffoon



Let's dissect this, shall we?

Not quite an open-and-shut case
A Message from Butt Wai Choon, Managing Director

Hey buddy, did Microsoft pick that name out for you?  It certainly fits your image well!


I noticed this little gem at the very end of the article:

Whichever side of the fence you are on, it pays to ponder on how you would place a value on something that is

yup. ms and its stupid managers. hey hope this one steals a few million dollars and they shoot him or something.

also in there it said something about the gpl making things free for everyone to have, and it making vendors not be able to keep source closed. first of all, its meant to give developers freedom, second, thats the POINT! we dont want microsoft taking linux code, or open office code, and putting it into the next windows or office release. we dont want them to benefit from our contribution to developer learning etc. thats not why its open source, that is for corporations to benefit.


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