Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

Unstable RedHat 9..

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quote:Originally posted by laukev7:

I have an NVIDIA graphic card, and the official drivers are very buggy. I had quite a few problems installing them on SuSE, and the FreeBSD drivers are simply crappy. The default drivers are OK, though, so maybe that's not the issue.

By the way, greetings, everyone.

[ April 27, 2003: Message edited by: laukev7 ]
--- End quote ---

Ive noticed quite the contrary in concern of the nvidia drivers. Perhaps it is because I run a Geforce2, however Im pretty sure you have not used the new Nvidia linux drivers if you were having trouble installing, especially since nvidia made the driver install idiot proof. Go get the new nvidia linux drivers, I found that they work quite well and are super easy to install. Hell even when the driver was two seperate files I had no problems installing it, I just followed the readme.


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