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k ive downloaded vmware and installed it, how do i get it going?

What operating system are you running (distro/version)? What file did you download (RPM)? The installation instructions are on VMware's web site, but it's very simple, and if you give me the answers to my two questions I might be able to answer some questions before you ask them:


[ November 17, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Mandrake 9, i downloaded the RPM version and i am currently running the config perl script.

[ November 17, 2002: Message edited by: -=Doogee=- ]

You need to have your compiler installed and the kernel headers I am pretty sure. Damn, I was hoping you were going to say you had RedHat and I could have had you going in a couple of minutes. I usually run the /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl script and just press ENTER all the way through the module questions, and then when it comes to the networking questions I use the defaults except I select "bridged" and I don't install the Samba local networking.

You should be able to just ENTER through the defaults except those two if you have everything you need installed. If not you'll have to find your kernel-headers RPM and install it from your CD. Do you have your compiler installed? You should be able to type "gcc --version" and get something other than "command not found".

When the script finishes it should successfully load the VMware kernel modules. Then just type "vmware" on the command line and it will bring up the GUI.

[ November 17, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

gcc is installed i got the version info and all that. is it against red hats policy to burn a red hat boxed set and give it away, cos if it isnt i might be able to get my mate to burn me red hat 8.0 which he bought. i think that would would make lots of things easier. not just vmware.


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