Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

I am installing Slackware

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RH8.0 installed the same themes on KDE. It really isn't KDE's or Gnome's fault though, it's RedHat. This can be a good thing OR a bad thing. It all depends on the way you look at it.

Well, not ever having used XP (and never intend to) I can't speak for it. I don't mind the theme at all and if I didn't like it I would have clicked on a different theme in the desktop settings. So as far as I'm concerned if I ever *do* have to touch XP I would say, hmmmm, this XP looks a lot like RedHat rather than the other way around.    Personally, I could give a shit less about what it looks like as long as it's functional.

Actually the XPish looking gui is microsoft copying off of the MacOS X gui. In my opinion(since I use blackbox), the gui looks nothing like XP.....lol

XP is the same with Win2000 on the GUI, just a lot of bloated like an old mans bowel icons.  I installed XP for my landloard and i couldnt wait to get the fak out of there.

 I never thought of it "the other way around".

te he he he. Sounds good to me.


quote:Originally posted by bazoukas:

  I am very curious to see an old version of Slackware and have my head explode   :D  
--- End quote ---

I have Slack 2.0.3 (c.1994).  I'm not sure that it would run on "modern" hardware; I wouldn't try it on anything newer than a 486: it IS possible to cause your monitor to catch fire with the wrong settings in Xwindow.  If I can find enough old hardware, I may give it a shot sometime.


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