Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX
Master of Reality:
of course, there is no way to do damage with a virus. Luckily most recent distros use shadowed passwords so mailing out /etc/passwd wont really gain them anything.
Who the hell will send out their root password?
That script kiddie must have been smoking some realy cheap ass weed.
Master of Reality:
its a fucking trojan. Someone runs a script that happens to have a line that will mail /etc/passwd to the script kiddie. The fucking owner of the computer has no idea that the script he just ran sent out his root passowrd (unless he is smart and checks logs).
The owner of this computer (me) would never run a script sent to him in an email. Surely without first looking at the code. You gotta be some kinda stupid to fall for something like this.
Yeah, who (besides a Lindows user) would read their email as root, not that a script can be automatically executed anyway. You need root access to view /etc/shadow which is where the encrypted passwords reside.
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