Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
Sower grapes.
Games sell, their the only reason consumers want ghz processors and new video cards, if not things wouldent have progressed much farther than the Pentium II and G3.
True, although I bought my new video card because I didn't like the lag while dragging windows
Gnome, KDE, et al. are FAR behind all other GUI's, the choice of applications, while enumerable, are mind bogglingly confusing to the common user, this confusion is then magnafied when said user actually tries to install something.
Confusing? I don't really get what's confusing about them. Perhaps you could elaborate on that.
Aqua to linux would be a Godsend, but it's not gonna happen.
never tried it, but you are probably right
Linux's monolithic kernel was never a good choice, it makes things to difficult to implement modular non-dependant applications.
I dont see the chalenge in copying come binaries to /usr/bin and making the appropriate shortcuts for the desktop manager... it's the same thing windows does.
Not to mention the fact that a kernel update is needed like every other day due to bugfixes and new drivers.
I never had to update my kernel, everything I, and most people, need is in Redhat 9.
Most OS's have these components external, plain as day for all to see, linux has to actually rewire it's entire core.
I got my modem drivers working without touching the kernel. No driver I ever added needed me to recompile the kernel. What's wrong with "rewiring" it?
Simple right?
That's an opinion. but most people dont have to worry about complex things anyway.
Not to mention the gobledigook system hiarchy, usr/dev/hda01 .... oh, that's my hardrive!!!
the knowledge of /dev/hda serves no purpose to the common user. Windows also has such devices, take a tour of your registry(which shouldn't exist)
Ya, simple. Were are all my programs?
does it matter? Most windows users don't worry about where their program are.. c:\progra~1\micros~3\visua~1\vb6.exe isn't easy either.
user/bin ... oh... so how come my icon is in X folder?
The same reason shortcuts are placed on the start menu and desktop, it's easier.
Or even better, I just managed to install this (after attempting to RPM it (failing) then compiling from source three times) programm, and now I cant find it? No icon on the desktop... oh... you mean they don't apear automaticaly? So what you click isint the Actual program!? ... real easy guys... real easy...
talk to the program developers about that.
So spare me the bullshit, games sell, simplicity sells, common users buy. I tell linux geeks to grow up.
bullshit is smelly. games will always sell. linux is simple (for the standard user, it CAN be hard if you make it that way). People can buy linux cheaper than any other OS I can think of. I have grown up.
Even if Aqua somehow prettied up Linux, the very design of the OS works at odds to a simple computing environment.
i dont get it, but i'm sure i could come up with something if i did.
.... I can hear the natives getting restless
I know ur not a windows fan, but linux is still far better than windows. Even as a desktop. I got my mom who's never used a computer before to find linux quite easy. She didn't install it (that's easy though), but it was right after the default installation. She picked up on it right away.
I can't compare it to a mac, as i've never used the newest. But I am all for saying linux is mature.
I'm tired of typing...
[ July 05, 2003: Message edited by: Stryker ]