Thanks void..
I figured out how to do it, just in case anyone cares.
You have to use the program /usr/bin/dircolors, and point it to a config file that you want to use as your colors. The config file is all ANSI, but it is explained pretty well if you read the man page.
First, find your default shell.
# echo $SHELL (this should be set to bash, if you are using most major distros of Linux)
If you have bash, you can run dircolors with no options, as bash is the deafult.
Next, run:
dircolors --print-database | more
This should explain everything quite easily for you. It will show your your current color scheme, and even give you the ANSI code that you can use to change it.
Next, make a config file that you would like to point dircolors at, e.g., /etc/dir_colors (you can call it can call it piss if you want to)
Then, do things the easy way:
dircolors --print-database > /your/config/filename
Go in and edit your config file to your heart's content. You may have to enter in a TERM variable if you are using a non-standard terminal, like me, who is using aterm. Just follow the format.
Last, edit /etc/bash.bashrc to include this line somewhere in the file (this is for bash/bash compatibles. If you are using csh, you would use option the dircolors man page):
eval `dircolors -option /your/config/filename`;
Of course, if you want to keep it user specific, edit ~/.bashrc instead of the system wide /etc/bash.bashrc.
Restart your terminal.
Have fun!