Author Topic: For blindfolded UNIX worshippers  (Read 1985 times)


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For blindfolded UNIX worshippers
« Reply #15 on: 21 August 2002, 16:35 »
Did you know there is a difference between constructive arguments and plain old trolling?

guess what you're doing now....

(cause you will find that a lot (i.e. most) people here are not as close minded as you think but formed their opinions of microsoft and their software based on years of experience with it, and not cause it's 'cool' to hate microsoft)
If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.


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For blindfolded UNIX worshippers
« Reply #16 on: 21 August 2002, 21:35 »
I'm sorry but your view on unix is stuck in the past. The first page of you site tells us how you have been in computing for a long time but it is obvious that the problems in unix's past have stuck in your mind and, fair enough to that, because not so long ago it (UNIX) could and would give people major headaches. Saying that though unix is and was widely regarded as a very powerful OS that did what it did very well, most people who have been in the business for the same length of time as you have similar idea as you and also see unix as a murky geek's world, the fact is though that things have changed and will continue to change and hopefully  the next generation of computer technicians, experts, admin, geeks whatever you wish to call us can look upon things with a more open mind.

--Quote from

So the story is as follows. Mindcraft (which might or might not affiliated with Microsoft) decided to make a benchmark comparison between Red Hat Linux and Windows NT. Original test was dating back to 1999 and has shown that NT outperformed Linux in all tests (file server and web server perfomance). Of course Linux worshippers started bitching (as they always do) that test was biased, that Mindcraft are satanistic organisation, even Linus Torvalds himself bitched about the test ( ) etc, etc, etc.

The first test was indeed unfair, and the second test was completely fair. Win 2k did indeed beat linux and that is that, it lost, but it performed valiantly. But minimal fuss was made, the general public weren't bombarded with propaganda from the linux camp trying to discredit the test. it was just accepted, and the community continued to improve linux and if there is another showdown it might win? who knows. Also linux did have to beat win 2k at 'it's own game' I'm not too sure how windows would perform trying to outperform another OS in the other OS's native task and format.

I apologise to everyone for the essay, I was just ticked off...
Contains scenes of mild peril.


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For blindfolded UNIX worshippers
« Reply #17 on: 21 August 2002, 22:27 »
Hehe C++ program that tests system speed by executing code? Could you post that on the forums? People could grab it and try it out in both wind0ze and Linux on their systems, then post the results.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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For blindfolded UNIX worshippers
« Reply #18 on: 22 August 2002, 03:46 »
Unless your running Debian (only distro of linux) on pa-risc and HAVE used it than your not allowed to diss UNIX which is DIFFERENT than LINUX (apples to oranges anyone?) Moron. Unix runs on a different arcitecture (i will explain cuase i know you won't understand) AMD is an arch. Intel is an arch type. noth use x86.  Unix uses PA-Rish which is MUCH better as it does TRUE multi tasking unlink processsor paging that x86 does.  I am niether a blind unix worshipper or a *dows hater.  I simply run linux cause of the bullshit eula on windows.  Get your facts straight on the issue.  Most unix boxes run a propriety software (ie hp-ux) Which isn't free.  Some *nixes have been ported but mainly since they arn't free tey stay on unix.  This topic is quite stupid since it is involoving UNIX and this  forum is defending LINUX. they ARE different.  Unless your running debian on a pa-risc system also unix can have MORE processors than windows and MORE ram and FASTER raid arrays ect ect unix is the supremee hosting os get over it you won't change this. the real competetion is between linux and nt. Get your facts straight please! Kthx


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For blindfolded UNIX worshippers
« Reply #19 on: 22 August 2002, 03:49 »
btw that c++ is probably optimized differntly on linux and windows which could taint the results enough to invalidate them


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For blindfolded UNIX worshippers
« Reply #20 on: 22 August 2002, 03:52 »
 About security. Let's ask "Worshipper" who invented HTTP basic authentication, IMAP authentication, SNMP, telnet, POP3 and some other protocols relying on clear text. All that rudimentary protocols are still in use in production UNIX enviroments.

What authentication Win2000 comes right out of the box? Kerberos 5. How do you authenticate to read your email? Kerberos. How do you administer services? Terminal Services on top of RDP using 128-bit encryption.  

Uhh? Bullshit.  Linux invented kerberos 5 windows just fucked it up by changing the protocall.  HTTP first on *nix same with telnet.  BTW nowadays i can't think of 1 currently updated distro which comes with ssh. 1024 bits of encryption. What billy only uses 128bits? granted  it is a bitch to crak both but still. Linux is MORE secure out of the box than windows.


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For blindfolded UNIX worshippers
« Reply #21 on: 22 August 2002, 07:29 »
sorry to correct, but tu, you got it all wrong, UNIX nowadays, is a designe philosphy. and pa-risc is not the only arch procs that unix can use, what about sparcs, alpha, m68k, x86-64, ppc, mips, vax, sh-x, arm, Xscale and probaly others, almost any kind of processer can run some form of unix. and will im saying that, it been a while since windows supported the alpha. umm, linux supports more hardware then windows does,
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!