Author Topic: Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?  (Read 3304 times)


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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #15 on: 24 September 2002, 21:58 »
pkd, I agree totally with your take on the M$ slams.  There is *plenty* of factual damning information that no one could possibly need a reason to make shit up. Keep it to facts (unless presented in an obvious humorous fictitious light).
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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #16 on: 24 September 2002, 22:08 »
Originally posted by Calum:
The 'American dream' is an ideal, that many Americans live for. How many other countries make their four year old kids worship the countries flag every day?

They hardly make their kids "worship" the flag. And besides what is wrong with this?  It's better than having your kids pledge to kill the infidels..

Anyway, the point is that i think the US would officially stand up and say that the American dream is an ideal that America still stands for to this day. That is not a stereotype, and whether or not a large amount of Americans choose to be the sort of people that don't revere this idea, this is still the official line of their country. If they want people to change their attitude about Americans, they must take an active hand in their own affairs and, for instance, vote in a government that will not say hasty things about the American dream if that's not what they really believe in. In much the same way, anything i have to say about England's dominance over Scotland is sour grapes until the Scots actually work up some gumption and use their votes for a change to become a European country in their own right.

I may still be misreading you but I still see massive negativity in the way you write.  I totally agree that "The American Dream" is to prosper.  But not to prosper at the expense of morals or law. The dream is to prosper and to help others in the process. Bill Gates is not a good representation of following "The American Dream".  I can give you some good examples if you wish.
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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #17 on: 24 September 2002, 22:19 »
i understand where you are coming from and i applaud you your principles.

i have a negative attitude to the concept of capitalism, but not towards america, excepting in that it, as a nation, sometimes disagrees with some of my principles. I would never judge an indicidual on the basis of his or her country.

I think it is insidious to make kids salute the flag however in an officially non-christian country (and i suppose that's open to contradiction too) it replaces religion as a way to synchronise the population.

Basically i have nothing against the USA or its people but when the US stands for things i oppose, or does things i disagree with, i will disagree no less for it being the USA who i am disagreeing with (if you can understand what that jumble of words was supposed to mean!)
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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #18 on: 24 September 2002, 22:53 »
Again, I go back to my original point. Your beliefs are your beliefs. I have my beliefs which obviously somewhat differ from yours although I still believe we would have a good time in a pub. For this reason I try not to interject politics into any of these threads unless someone else brings them up first. There has been many statements made like "because of US", because of "The American Dream", "because those fucking USA idiots", etc.  No reason for it, just pisses people off for no reason.  I want to stick to M$ bashing and not political/values/morals bashing.  On the other hand if someone else *does* interject such content I will defend my beliefs.  Would rather not see it in the first place.

Thanks again for your consideration.

[ September 24, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #19 on: 25 September 2002, 11:17 »
I have found that the best way to learn about the world is to travel. But for many people thats not an option for many reasons.
  The other way you can learn alot about the world is by watching the News criss sross style. And what I mean about that is this.

 You wanna see what and how other countries think about you and in general whats their "style"? Watch , listen, read foreighn news.

 And jump on EVERY chance to talk and exchange ideas and experiences with people from other countries.

  I said this MANY times here, but people are much more alike than they want to admitt.

  Being a dipshit is a universal virus, being a good person is a universal virus as well.


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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #20 on: 25 September 2002, 13:50 »
Whoever wrote that article is insane, let's face it, but they did make some good points. Especially the part about Bill's hunger for power, something I'd never considered. If I were richer than God I would probably want to take over the world as well.

Was Bill Gates behind 9/11? I don't think so, but I also don't think we can discount that possibility.


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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #21 on: 25 September 2002, 14:12 »
If Bill Gate was behind the attack of 911, we need James Bond 007 to get rid of him.
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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #22 on: 25 September 2002, 14:18 »
i think it can be ruled out, totally out of hand.

Gates had nothing to do with it. Any military tension harms a country's free market economy, and Bill Gates' welfare depends on the world economy and particularly the economy of North America.

He is not stupid enough to shit where he eats.
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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #23 on: 28 September 2002, 08:07 »
Prostitutes sell their bodies. Politicians sell their words (more profitable). Politician won


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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #24 on: 28 September 2002, 13:23 »
Originally posted by HighLamb:
If Bill Gate was behind the attack of 911, we need James Bond 007 to get rid of him.

 Yeah we also will need the Fantastic Four, Batman the Power Rangers.



Get a grip already people.

 He is a dick because of his politics in the SW world and not a terrorist.

 geeeeeeez.  People will come here and think that we are realy fucking paranoid.


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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #25 on: 28 September 2002, 17:57 »
To: bazoukas, void main, pkd, HighLamb, ...

There are many logical facts about the involving of B.G. in events of 9/11. But can you prove that B.G. are not able to do it (worldwide financial terrorism)? Do you have you any reasons to say it (except you do not think so)?

[ September 28, 2002: Message edited by: Kent B. ]

[ September 28, 2002: Message edited by: Kent B. ]


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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #26 on: 28 September 2002, 20:45 »
Where I live you are "presumed innocent" until "proven guilty" not "presumed guilty" until "proven innocent". Now he certainly has been proven guilty of many other bad things.
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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #27 on: 28 September 2002, 21:00 »
Originally posted by Kent B.:
Listen to a true story:

Once upon a time a big ocean liner came to an unknown small Island in the ocean. The natives of the island never in their life saw anything bigger than a small boat they made. And when the big ocean liner came to the coast - nobody saw it.  Their eyes just refused to see something that could not fit in their imagination. Their mind did not believe their own eyes and denied to accept images of the huge ship!

The same is with you, guys. You were told here/there many times that Bill Gates is evil ... . The problem is you think you never saw a real evil and when they say - here it is - you just can't believe that the well-known bad guy is the real evil. The reality is just bigger than the range your imagination. You are even looking for facts to cover up the Big Bad Wolf in sheep's clothing but there are no facts there to cover up


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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #28 on: 28 September 2002, 21:20 »
Originally posted by Calum:
well if i remember right the only fully functional operating system seriously on the go at the time IBM/Gates did their deal would have been UNIX and its variants. am i right?

Not exactly, PC's back then where not very powerfull, so a multiuser, multitasking OS would not be suitable. A basic system like DOS was... But then things got beter and because of this first need of DOS and the company owning it it stayed like then until the early 1990's where multitasking was handy. But Microsoft dragged down the Computer Industry.


 realistically i think there must have been some more systems kicking about out there but they would have been hobbyist affairs, much like DOS was until Gates marketted it to IBM aggressively.

Systems like the Apple, Atari, Amiga where the first too have true Multitasking. Microsoft did have a GUI in the Mid 80's but not true multitasking.

Now correct me if i am wrong, but AT&T were not allowed legally to sell UNIX? something like that anyway, i know that's not totally right because a lot of universities etc bought licences (open source, but strictly non-disclosure). At that time there was no free software foundation, GNU didn't exist, The Berkeley people had not finished their UNIX-alike operating system and were still using utilities and apps of their own devising on a central UNIX OS, am i right so far? i am not too up on my history so somebody please correct or append if you can.

So the reason Bill Gates did his deal with IBM was first dumb luck, but mostly aggressive marketting.

Hitler getting his power was dumb luck.

 contrary to popular belief being in the right place at the right time is not entirely about luck. Gates was in the right place at the right time

Funny so was hitler!

because he is a mercenary entrepreneur. He sold licences to an operating system he had not even bought yet to IBM, and got away with it, purely because all the other people who had an operating system to call their own were either too laid back to try and sell to IBM, or uninterested in the moneymaking side of things, interested more in actually developing the technology.
Gates proves his colours a few years later when he screws IBM over when it suited him, pulling out of OS/2 and leaving IBM high and dry. He did the same to Apple . Gates is a businessman, he saw a market and aggressively elbowed his way in there.

Your making me want too kill bill gates. In fact i think i might now. Then i would be hero  ;)

 In the US the hard facts should lead people to admire his determination. And i do not say that to slight the US, just saying Gates is from the states so ther eyou go. The conservative party here think in much the same way in some respects, the liberal government that got such a majority in australia is not entirely dissimilar (smooth veneer on top when it's going okay, dirty tricks and lies as soon as the going gets tough).

You got that right. DOWN WITH HOWARD!!!


Also, void main i know how you feel about Gates being associated with the US, we all have our cross to bear. For my part i can't stand it when Scotland is mentioned in the same sentence as "Great" Britain...

Ali G is why it is great  

Iminow gansta's i'd betta go  :D


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Who stands behind the terrorists of September 11?
« Reply #29 on: 28 September 2002, 21:28 »
Originally posted by drg:
Well, Bill Gates was too stupid to finalize DOS as it should be; therefore, he spoiled it and implemented it everywhere he could. Since that time Bill Gates spoiled everything he legally or illegally acquired/touched. The man who leads the industry has no brains of his own!  (Yes, he is a good mercenary entrepreneur but not a professional). When MS DOS met competition that was better than MS DOS, what did Bill Gates do?  Yes, played dirty games that they did not expect. They were too decent to compete with the young evil. If a neophyte in computers and programming such as Bill Gates, who did not even finish college was able to invent spoiled DOS - any average professional would do it much better without spoiling it. Because of Bill Gates