Author Topic: *nix Campus  (Read 1329 times)


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*nix Campus
« on: 4 October 2002, 18:54 »
I am currently running through the Mandrake training campus. Just started and it has gone from section 1 which witters on about the GPL and is reated 1 star for ease to VI in the next section which they rate 5 stars for ease (harder obviously) I doubt this will give me problems with my education. It looks like this will give a good Linux grounding.

Has anyone else done this, and what did they think?

Secondly I am looking at maybe going out and getting some networking qualifications, like RH system administrator course. Has anyone done this, and bear in mind I am not a network engineer (electronics is my field), does it teach enough to do the job off the bat. I am looking to change my career onto another track. I'm not afraid of learning new stuff, or commiting time, or difficult subjects (I am currently thinking of going for a pure math degree - but my math is a bit weak).

Helpful and insightful opinions would be most thankfully read.
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