I looked at the drive using linux and it said basically the drive is totally free, it needs a format for windows to look at it.
I never use Outlook i use Mozilla mail. MS Office wasn't installed, its likely that the culprit was Kazaa, bastards. If i could only punch the virus writer, ahhh, it still wouldn't be enough though.
Thankyou for the suggestions i will look them all up. In all reality its my own fault, the quicker i accept it the faster i will learn, trouble is i told my gf not to use windows while on the net as it is bad, instead use SuSE. I am a victim of not taking my own advice! Her PC is still running doing fine.
Is there any chance of getting Kazaa to work on linux without all this virus shit affecting me?
The worst part of all this is i have a nice new FireWire CDRW drive sitting here waiting for me to back up everything worse still is the fact i am waiting for the firewire laptop card!
If it only came sooner!
Also anyone know if an Iomega CDRW FireWire drive will run under linux?
[ January 03, 2003: Message edited by: Crunchy(Cracked)Butter ]