If you have only win 98 clients, there is very little you need to do.
1) Tweak the workgroup and computer names in smb.conf
2) Enable encrypted passwords in smb.conf
3) start smb services (add to runlevel)
4) as root use "smbpasswd -a" to allow an existing linux username to be used to log into the samba server.
5) Log into the windows machine using the linux username and the password you set using smbpasswd.
6) look in "network neighborhood"
On the windows end you should make sure only TCP/IP networking is installed (netbeui sucks). You may wish to add the linux machine to the c:\windows\lmhosts file. You need to make this file by copying c:\windows\lmhosts.sam to c:\windows\lmhosts and editing it. Sometiems you have to reboot the windows machine before it can see the samba server.
Alternatively, the setup can be made very simple if you do not use encrypted passwords and enable unecrypted passwords in win98 (look this up at support.microsoft.com). Then you login to the windows machine with you rlinux username and linux password, but this is a _bad_ idea.
Make sure the smb ports are not firewalled, btw.
[ December 21, 2002: Message edited by: M. O'Brien ]