A few hours ago, I created two packages--one, of Mozilla 1.3 (stable) with GTK 2 support, and another one of 0.5 Epiphany.
The former was compiled so I could run the latter--you see, Epiphany requires Mozilla with GTK 2 support, or otherwise it won't work (the default Mozilla that comes with Slack9 is installed without GTK2 support).
I decided that I might aswell submit the Epiphany package to its developer so he'll have a binary for all Slackware9 users available, and host the Mozilla one in case anyone doesn't feel like compiling it for six hours straight.
This is where you come in: before releasing those two packages onto the public, I need someone to test them.
To install Mozilla,
www.belg88.com/mozilla-1.3.tar, untar it, change into the resulting directory (mozilla-1.3), use "removepkg" to remove your previous installation of mozilla, and then run "installpkg *". Next time you run Mozilla, it'll be i686 optimized with GTK2 support.
Oh, and if you're wondering--yes, all of your bookmarks, users, history, etc. will be preserved, and yes, I created the binary from Slackware's Mozilla source tree.
After you have Mozilla with GTK 2 support installed,
Download my binary of Epiphany over at
http://www.belg88.com/epiphany-0.5.0-i686.tgz, and simply run "installpkg epiphany-0.5.0-i686.tgz" in the same directory that it was saved in. It takes some getting used to, but it's pretty cool once you master it.
This binary was optimized for i686 aswell.
Post if they worked/didn't work here, if you can. I really appreciate it.
You *must* be running Slackware 9--anything below that will simply not work!