i did NOT i repeat NOT ever say that openoffice was crap. Did i? no.
Also, i am saying that Microsoft's formats are a de facto standard, which you cannot deny. We have got to the point where we are arguing about the definition of 'standard' which is moot anyway since we are not even talking about the same thing.
re: other formats, for my example this point is com[pletely irrelevant. My girlfriend sent text files and jpeg files. These are some of the most widely recognised, ultra portable data formats ever used in computers. The editor receiving those files complained that he couldn't open them and asked for word documents, as i said. when dealing with this sort of mindlessness, anything is possible. THIS IS THE REAL WORLD, as i think i said before.
I agree with you 100% however i am just saying that the world is run on bullshit, by dumbasses.