Author Topic: M$ to micro-manage your computer  (Read 4375 times)


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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #30 on: 27 June 2002, 14:09 »
one would have to say nicely said calum, and my another thing assuring what you say, is who the hell pays 2500 for a piece of desktop x86 trash. most people reaserch heavily into major investments. like when my air-conditionar shitted up. instead of my parents rushing out to blindly buy a new one, the reaserched alot of airconditionares. same theory with computers. besides, what x86 machine you /*o, when i say x86 i am talking about pentium class machines, like the pentium 4 and amd athlon*/ buy today, will be obsolete almost tommorow. besides, do i sound like a psychic, if you were to be smart and list all the hardware by manufacture/model in your machine i could analyze the situation and recommend a working solution. if you need to know how to find out what hardware is in your computer just ask us.
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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #31 on: 27 June 2002, 14:15 »
yes well a lot of morons would not research that purchase, and a lot more have got too much fucking money anyway.

As you say, a sensible person who really wanted an alternative would present as much information as possible, and ask a question based on those resources. Since Mr Snout has already made his purchase i suspect he only came here to prove to himself that windows was the best there was, and that nothing else could compare, since he wanted to feel good about putting all that money into something.

Having said that, Mr Snout's earlier post in this thread raised a lot of good issues and contributed to the discussion well, it's just a shame that he got all reactionary over my reply. Guess he doesn't believe in free speech so much after all. Well, i am certainly dissapointed. Many people who sign up on these boards are obvious dumbasses from the word go. It annoys me to see a dumbass emerge from a hencetoforth sensible seeming individual.
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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #32 on: 27 June 2002, 14:40 »
nah, maybe hes probably just stressed. when shit don't work when they dish out money they get eractic. like when my neighbor bought a $300 router for his home network. he couldn't get it figured out and was having difacluty even getting back to square one. when he called me after 24 hours nonstop of playing with it he was bothered to say the least. when i got there it took me 20 minutes to figure out what he had done, it turned out he got everything but the last few steps right, which is pretty good for never messing with networking. when it did work he was very happy to say the least. and wheres creedon when we need him to talk about computer "jocks" and computer geeks. computer arn't hard to learn, they just take patience. which at $2500+ patience is hard

and for the xp to win 98 networking, i never got that to work either for my nieghbor either
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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #33 on: 27 June 2002, 17:23 »
Computers take patience yes. But with windows you need to be a sado/masachist. Nothing you do can get that pile of garbage to mind.

None the less, I must say these posts have been wondrafly entertaining and I hope Mr. Snout will come back for more  :D

Seriously... I do hope he tries the alternatives and stops taking things to seriously. After all, we are just people on a webboard, nothing but words on screen. Why get worked up over it?


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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #34 on: 27 June 2002, 17:28 »
hmmmm S&M
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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #35 on: 27 June 2002, 17:32 »
Originally posted by choasforages:
hmmmm S&M

hey your on to something, reverse the letters and you get ....drum roll... M&S!!!!!!

The truth is revealed, M$ is a degenerate os suited to only the leud and depraved. Or something like that  


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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #36 on: 27 June 2002, 17:46 »
S&M via the mind? Ummm that doesn't sound too fun.

HINT:Did you know that if you add an m to free BSD you get free BSDM? ;)

I am not sure what BSDM stands for, but it's somehow related to S&M. Although that's not to say that BSD sucks, just a joke. Although that M&S makes perfect sense.

[ June 27, 2002: Message edited by: lazygamer ]

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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #37 on: 27 June 2002, 17:58 »
actally its close, the real phrase is bdsm, which if im right bdsm stands for bondage domination sado masichist. which is some like really phucked up porn and a sick ass fetish

ok now, enough of the pervert p0rn,
i think i might add something about S&M and M&S in my sig later
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #38 on: 27 June 2002, 18:34 »
posted by choasforages:
nah, maybe hes probably just stressed. when shit don't work when they dish out money they get eractic.
yeah well it's not my fucking problem. If people post a question with all the necessary info (or even are willing to give the necessary info when prompted) then i will try to help. If some dumbass comes on here and gives everybody a deadline to help or he will "threaten" not to use linux then he can spend happy hours attempting to fuck himself for all i care.  
computer arn't hard to learn, they just take patience. which at $2500+ patience is hard
is snout american? seriously though, take money that seriously and you deserve to worry yourself into an early grave. No wonder Microsoft's stuff has taken such hold with morons of that calibre around...  
posted by psyjax:
None the less, I must say these posts have been wondrafly entertaining and I hope Mr. Snout will come back for more
me too, although i think he has finished his journey over to the moral high ground and has now convinced himself that the entire unix community are all elitist 'kids'

Seriously... I do hope he tries the alternatives and stops taking things to seriously.
seriously, i do hope he takes that carrot out of his arse, life's too short!  
After all, we are just people on a webboard, nothing but words on screen. Why get worked up over it?
yeah, get over it, it's not the end of the fucking world. I hate to say it but what sort of moron judges a piece of software purely on the biased opinions he makes of a small group of people who may or may not use said software?  
posted by psyjax:
hey your on to something, reverse the letters and you get ....drum roll... M&S!!!!!!
what, marks and spencers? i didn't know they were in any way suspect? I even went to their website here to try and find out if those allegations were true, but there's no evidence of it!

[ June 27, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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Doctor V

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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #39 on: 28 June 2002, 10:08 »
OK guys here's the plan!

We make a new Linux distribution with a GUI that looks exactly like Windows XP.  The workings should also be close enough to that of windows so that the typical user cannot tell the difference.  It would need a much better version of wine, one that could run almost all windows applications.  It would also have to come with linux versions of the applications that come with windoze like notepad and solitare...  Then put is on the market for free.

But to further disrupt Bill Gates's evil plot, we would make a rapidly-spreading windoze virus that, whenever a user connects to the internet, their computer starts/continues downloading the new Linux OS.  After the download is complete, it saves a copy of all the users applications on a partition, and installs the new OS.  The user will then have been liberated from the sinister empire that is Microsoft without even knowing it.

Can always dream right,

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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #40 on: 28 June 2002, 10:15 »
Originally posted by Doctor V:
OK guys here's the plan!

We make a new Linux distribution with a GUI that looks exactly like Windows XP.  The workings should also be close enough to that of windows so that the typical user cannot tell the difference.  It would need a much better version of wine, one that could run almost all windows applications.  It would also have to come with linux versions of the applications that come with windoze like notepad and solitare...  Then put is on the market for free.

But to further disrupt Bill Gates's evil plot, we would make a rapidly-spreading windoze virus that, whenever a user connects to the internet, their computer starts/continues downloading the new Linux OS.  After the download is complete, it saves a copy of all the users applications on a partition, and installs the new OS.  The user will then have been liberated from the sinister empire that is Microsoft without even knowing it.

Can always dream right,

that wont work. If people dont know that they switched to Linux, then they will think that microsoft just made an extremely stable OS and then they will love Microsoft even more.
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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #41 on: 28 June 2002, 11:11 »
It would free developers by giving them a chance to develope applications for non-M$ that would work for a majority of users.  After which, people would just stop making windoze applications cause of how lame, unstable, and difficult to build they are.  It would disrupt M$'s spyware network.  Perhaps it could come with Mozilla, taking away M$'s grip on the internet by giving users a pre-installed alternative.  The same with Window$ Media Player.  Real could come with the new OS.  After M$ releases a new windoze version, the dummys who are quickest to downgrade to it would imediately be displeased with its performance, and switch back to XP only to find that they weren't using XP all along, afterwhich they would seek linux again.  It would make it so all the applications that M$ schemed to make not run it windows due to fear of competition work again.  It would eliminate the ability of M$ to give benefits to its preferred partners by controlling which companys know what about the internal workings of winblows.  

It could never be done, but *if* it did, it *would* work.


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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #42 on: 28 June 2002, 12:25 »
MUHAHAHA! Sounds great. Your all forgeting one thing. First off you'd need to get some of those hacker dudes who could rape US government "techies" in a freestyle h4x0r battle to help program it.  ;)

Ok easy enough, the real problem is lawsuits from MS.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #43 on: 28 June 2002, 22:47 »
Originally posted by Doctor V:
OK guys here's the plan!

We make a new Linux distribution with a GUI that looks exactly like Windows XP.  The workings should also be close enough to that of windows so that the typical user cannot tell the difference.  It would need a much better version of wine, one that could run almost all windows applications.  It would also have to come with linux versions of the applications that come with windoze like notepad and solitare...  Then put is on the market for free.

Now there's a great idea. Add a series of Linux for Dummies books that help users figure it out. Then from there -- a stable base -- you introduce the new stuff. And do the whole thing in an approachable fashion, i.e., lose the unapproachable geek/be afraid of me attitude. The world would switch very fast.


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M$ to micro-manage your computer
« Reply #44 on: 28 June 2002, 22:50 »
ummm, if you think that we are unapproachable/*we are not*/ try talking to the guys behind *BSD.
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
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