Author Topic: A few Qs  (Read 855 times)


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A few Qs
« on: 21 April 2002, 04:42 »
Ok, here's some q's for all you linux gameaholics:
1. Where do I get WineX?
2. Is there any way to install RTCWolfenstein and/or Quake 3 using just some downloaded binaries/patches. I have Q3 and i tried installing a patch and then copying the resource files on my linux drive bu it kept getting errors when I tied to run it. Same thing for UT. Methinks it might be that I need some proper OpenGl Drivers for my card (TNT2 M64).   :confused:


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A few Qs
« Reply #1 on: 21 April 2002, 04:58 »
I'm certainly no gameaholic but I did get Quake III working very nicely (under RedHat 7.2).  I downloaded the Linux version from ID software (which requires the game data files from a Q3 CD). I also had to download and install the OpenGL and accel kernel drivers from my video card vendor (Geforce 2 card). It seems that all of the instructions for Quake were on IDs web site and/or included in Q3 for Linux package. And the instructions for installing the video card and vendor specific GL drivers on my vendors web site. Hopefully your card vendor is as Linux friendly as nVidia.

Sorry I couldn't be more specifically helpful on your hardware but if you search your vendor site for instructions and get stuck I can try a little harder to help (short of buying a card just like yours).
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