Author Topic: Serious question for WIN advocates  (Read 4405 times)

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Serious question for WIN advocates
« Reply #60 on: 23 August 2002, 23:57 »
I contribute to society by paying 30% of my salary in taxes which allow poor black people claim insanity and live off wellfare. I also pay social security tax which I can not use in case I would get laid off becouse I'm not a citizen.
Gregory Suvalian


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Serious question for WIN advocates
« Reply #61 on: 23 August 2002, 23:59 »
Oh, so not only is he a Microsoft ass kisser, he's a racist.
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Serious question for WIN advocates
« Reply #62 on: 24 August 2002, 00:02 »
It's just if 1/3 of black population in Texas has been to prison (playboy data), I can't after this figures say that it has nothing to do with a color of scin.
I respect black people which are able to raise and become good citizine much more then any white guy. I also dispise white trash people more then black. But I just can't say that I would not care if I would be living in black or white neighborhood. Will you?

[ August 23, 2002: Message edited by: ]

Gregory Suvalian


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Serious question for WIN advocates
« Reply #63 on: 24 August 2002, 00:15 »
It depends on if you really mean "white or black" neighborhood or the status of the neighborhood regarding things like crime rate, appearance, school system, etc. Are you infering that all low class neighborhoods are made up of black people (African American if you must) and all high class neighborhoods are made up of other than black?  

No, color of skin makes no difference to me.  However, I'm not going to say that color of skin has nothing to do with the numbers that have gone to prison, however, where I live they are discovering that a large number of black people were tried and convicted of crimes they did not commit (DNA evidence etc).  

So is it "because" they are black that they make up a larger prison percentage, that is, are they genetically destined to crime?  Or are there outside factors that have caused this trend (i.e. not being able to get jobs because employers, and people like you are discriminatory, thus making it harder to make a good living and because of this desperate people will do desperate things)?

And thanks for helping your Windows friend with the virus by the way, it was one step in the right direction.
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Serious question for WIN advocates
« Reply #64 on: 24 August 2002, 00:18 »
Originally posted by
It's just if 1/3 of black population in Texas has been to prison (playboy data), I can't after this figures say that it has nothing to do with a color of scin.
I respect black people which are able to raise and become good citizine much more then any white guy. I also dispise white trash people more then black. But I just can't say that I would not care if I would be living in black or white neighborhood. Will you?

[ August 23, 2002: Message edited by: ]

Well, well; a racist. wouldn't be a Chechyin, would you?  I've always admired the Russian people in general; I think that from Czarist times, they've been one of the greatest societies in the world, combining the best of western culture and eastern pragmatism.  Their contribution to the defeat of Facism in WWII is sadly underrated in the United States.  It's too bad that all societes have bad examples of their citizenry, don't you think?
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Serious question for WIN advocates
« Reply #65 on: 24 August 2002, 00:46 »
I'm not chechen as I hate muslim fundametalists. This is only religion which I know which allows suicides (though the call it act of war) as well killing civilians.
So say you are in dark alley in bad neighborhood and you hear steps behind and you see it's a white person or black person. Will it make any difference to you? If it will then how come you judged a person by skin color?
Gregory Suvalian


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Serious question for WIN advocates
« Reply #66 on: 24 August 2002, 01:32 »
This as nothing to do with computers you nazi twat (unixsucks) so why don't you go back to your little hole and make love to your cousins.
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Serious question for WIN advocates
« Reply #67 on: 24 August 2002, 01:40 »
No, it would not make a difference to me.  If a person came up behind me in a dark alley I would be nervous regardless of the color of their skin. However, if they made a move I would also kill them with my .38 no matter what the color of their skin.  I have many friends of many different races.
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Serious question for WIN advocates
« Reply #68 on: 24 August 2002, 01:52 »
Ok, let me reprase the question.
Say you have a daughter (not sure if you have or not) and you have choice if she would get married to white or black guy. Will it make "any difference" to you? I mean "any" at all?
Gregory Suvalian


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Serious question for WIN advocates
« Reply #69 on: 24 August 2002, 02:11 »
Here's a hypothetical question for you unixsucks..
Lets say your brain was capable of rational thought, could you take yourself seriously??
Could you?
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« Reply #70 on: 24 August 2002, 02:16 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
No, it would not make a difference to me.  If a person came up behind me in a dark alley I would be nervous regardless of the color of their skin. However, if they made a move I would also kill them with my .38 no matter what the color of their skin.  I have many friends of many different races.
I don't care for guns; but then again, I don't need one.  I've never had any problems that are related to racial differences; I treat everyone in the manner they treat me; I always win.
Several years ago, a guy bet me that I wouldn't go into a bar that was in the "bad" area of town (he was a little racist) he bet me $10.00 that I wouldn't order a beer and stay and finish it, so I went into the place (I got a LOT of dirty looks) and went up to the bar and ordered my beer.  Te bartender looked at me kinda strange, and gave me a draft.  The guy next to me was looking pretty pissed, so I said to him "Man, you ain't gonna believe this; some crazy fuckin' white guy bet me $10.00 I wouldn't come in here and drink a beer!"  The guy laughed his ass off, everything was OK then; I hung around for about an hour, went back to the other place, got my 10 bucks, went back to the "tough" bar, and bought a round; I used to have a lot of fun there.
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Serious question for WIN advocates
« Reply #71 on: 24 August 2002, 02:35 »
Tux, say you would stop pretending that you have IQ of Einstein and would comprehend that I came to this country 3 years ago with little English and just my head. I'm makinng 6 figure salary, have a brand new house etc, etc, etc.
Can you imagine yourself going to say Australia and accomlishing something withing 3 years which most Austrailains failed to accomplish for all their lives?
Stop fucking act as a big brainer!
Gregory Suvalian


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Serious question for WIN advocates
« Reply #72 on: 24 August 2002, 02:54 »
Tux, say you would stop pretending that you have IQ of Einstein and would comprehend that I came to this country 3 years ago with little English and just my head.

I am not, is it my fault you dont like the way i talk? Are you stupid?

I'm makinng 6 figure salary, have a brand new house etc, etc, etc.

I don't give a shit, what do you want a cookie?

Can you imagine yourself going to say Australia and accomlishing something withing 3 years which most Austrailains failed to accomplish for all their lives?

Probably could, I am intelligent and versatile  

Stop fucking act as a big brainer!

Don't you mean 'Stop fucking acting as a big brainer!' or is that just the way you windows drones speak?
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Serious question for WIN advocates
« Reply #73 on: 24 August 2002, 03:37 »
I know it always end up like that. Bunch of personal insults about my English, my personal views etc.
Go fuck yourself, at least I know 2 languages.
Gregory Suvalian


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Serious question for WIN advocates
« Reply #74 on: 24 August 2002, 04:01 »
So do I, it doesnt make you special.
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