Author Topic: Is it possible to install Mandrake from the HD???  (Read 1279 times)


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Is it possible to install Mandrake from the HD???
« Reply #15 on: 29 April 2002, 04:11 »
Your SOL here. I had an Nvidia 3 Which is not supported by Linux. Basically, none of the window managers will run properly. You can run the command promt just fine however, depends what you wanna do.  

uh, have you tried to download nvidia's UNIFIED linux drivers? i think that they'll have a better shot at working than regular linux drivers. just go 2 their site and got to the download drivers-> linux page and follow the instructins.

Newbie to Linux
Nero, I know it sucks, but my CDR-burner sucks too(Extremely old 2x cdr writer).

actually nero's pretty good as far as compilations go. if you wanna burn iso images just download winoncd( it has a free trial and that trial only limits it to 1x speed which is not too bad considering your 2x. just use winoncd and you'll get your images burned properly. it's probably the burning prog with the best iso image support.