ELX Linux refused to install because of this error.
"An error occurred regarding the partition table for the block device hda. The error was:
Partition(s) do not end on cylinder boundary
Did you try to use the ELX disk part utility to create the parts where you tried to do the install?
I'm running several Linux distros myself (in addition to Win 95 and QNX - both on primaries). All the Linux OSs are on an extended part originally created with the 'Drake part utility. To install the others: Red Hat, Slackware, and ELX, I used the 'Drake utility to set up parts before doing the install. This is really not all that difficult. Just boot off the 'Drake install CD, select the "expert" install, and then just answer "yes" to all the questions till you get to the partition step. Use the 'Drake utility to create, edit, and/or format the new parts. Once you've completed the partitioning, hit CNTL, ALT, BACKSPACE to abort the rest of the install. Remove the 'Drake install CD, replace with the ELX install CD, then reboot with CNTL, ALT, DEL (You should be familiar with that one
). If you just use the 'Drake part utility for all your partitioning needs, then you shouldn't have that problem. (As for myself, I think it would be worth it to get the Mandrake install CDs just for the part utility, even if you never intend to install 'Drake - it's
that good.)
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