Author Topic: synaptic help please  (Read 647 times)


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synaptic help please
« on: 19 June 2003, 23:53 »
I am using RH9 and of course I got tired of the whole package dependency thing so I installed apt-get (the one for RH 9 on and then installed synaptic.  It has worrked very well untill just now.  I start it up usually from the terminal and no error messages it just freezes on me.  I have to open another terminal type ps -aux find the PID of synaptic and kill it, it wont kill with the basic kill 9877(whatever the pid is) i have to do a hard kill -9 9877(whatever the pid is).  not really sure what to do to correct the problem.  I have tried rpm -e synaptic and that just freezes on me to (when I wait for about 10 mins. I consider it frozen).  It's no big problem, just when something does not work correctly for me it ticks me off.  I have not really made any changes in any of my configuration, if you have any tips on what I can do please let me know.  Thats what I love most about Linux, people willing to help each other.  Its nothing vital so if you don't know its ok.  Thanks.

*Update- Now I notice it is not just synaptic, anything I try to do with RPM's fails (freezes)  the basic rpm -i filename  as root seems to always freeze on me too.  this is not good... please help.

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: blackphiber ]

*update 2:  I am currently trying to repair the database (I don't even know if it is corrupt but you never know)  took me some time to find that.  I hope it works, I will post later if I need more help. thanks

*update 3: yes luckily it did work, thanks anyways, you can put this in the bin  
[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: blackphiber ]

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: blackphiber ]


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synaptic help please
« Reply #1 on: 23 June 2003, 07:34 »
Glad you fixed it. I was just about to tell you how to clear the DB (delete /var/lib/rpm/__db.???). One note on killing programs that I have found extremely useful.

Instead of
ps -C synaptic
<find pid>
kill 3920
kill -9 3920

killall synaptic
killall -KILL synaptic

makes it hella easier.
Komodoware, moving Linux to your desktop.


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synaptic help please
« Reply #2 on: 24 June 2003, 01:07 »
thanks, I will do that from now on.