Author Topic: GERONIMO!!  (Read 1303 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 22 February 2002, 11:03 »
I would like to mention a few points about my take on linux, and on some of the questions you've asked...

...I think multiple boot systems are a great start, but to take advantage of a large part of the power of linux (httpd, proxy, firewall, database, and on and on) you need a standalone linux box...

...Focussing on your hardware concerns I realize that money is often difficult to justify spending, but in this instance linux is great.  Most of the older (less expensive) hardware is supported.  The main problems I've encountered have been on the newest (more expensive) hardware...Have no fear though if your hardware isn't supported in a linux distribution today you can bet it won't be long until it is...

...Along these same lines my first linux only box (a few years back) "Mandrake 6.1...YES" only gave me a 640*480 picture and no sound, which has made me appriciate how far linux has come...Keep this in mind when you look at where linux is at...

...take a look IBM S/390's shipping with linux, SUN servers, ORACLE servers, APACHE, etc,(all working with linux) and you can do the same shit the big boy's do for big bucks at your apartment with a fucking library card, a couple junky computers...
...try topping that BILL you fucking nazi....

sorry,  I had to vent a little

...anyways keep on going you won't regret it.