Originally posted by IronYuppie:
I'm a big Mac user & have a question for all of you Linux users. What do you do when someone gives you a disk or you get an e-mail with a MS Word document on it? Is there a program that lets you open it? I'm totally anti-microsoft, but sometimes you just have to use a Word document, ya know? That's why I'm all about Mac. . .no MS sh*t you don't need, but you have word and excel when you need them.
Well this is not the right forum, but you revel your true newbi-ness thrugh these statements
Anyway, you can ask the people sending the .doc to save it as .txt or .rtf (regular Text or Rich text that TextEdit under OSX can read). You can also download XFree86 and the word processor AbiWord which opens Word files, but you probably would freak out messing with that stuff now. Im not trying to patronize, I'm just saying you'll be dealing with pure UNIX to get XFree86 running under OSX, I barely can do that stuff myself.
You can buy AppleWorks which saves and loads word just fine, is an excelent word processor, is small, and is not M$. ApplWorks is IMHO one of the best comercial word processors and spanks all over MSWord.
If you just want to crack the .doc open and don't care about formating or some garbald headers, open it using BBEdit lite, it's available free from bare bones software. It's an excelent program, opens anything you want, it's also great as a C code editor. Make sure you set the text to Soft Wrap or it will go straight across the screen
But that's about it. The simplest solution would be getting AppleWorks, which I highly recomend.
[ March 29, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]