Author Topic: quick question....  (Read 636 times)


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quick question....
« on: 8 August 2003, 06:34 »
When I visit a site that uses java with Mozilla, I get the standard grey box with a puzzle piece in the middle (This page contains information of a type (application/x-java-vm) that can only be viewed with the appropriate plugin). So, I went to and downloaded the "Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, version 1.4.2" RPM, figuring that would fix it, since I did pretty much the equivalent thing to fix my flash troubles. No difference, though.
Anyway, my question is, is there something in particular I need to install for this? If not, is there a configuration I need to alter?

(P.S. And just out of curiosity, why is java not included? Is it the same issue as with the mp3's and Redhat?)


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quick question....
« Reply #1 on: 8 August 2003, 12:08 »

Really, a simple Google search...


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quick question....
« Reply #2 on: 8 August 2003, 14:50 »
(P.S. And just out of curiosity, why is java not included? Is it the same issue as with the mp3's and Redhat?)

No. Java isn't included as it's not free software. The mp3 thing is a patent issue.
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quick question....
« Reply #3 on: 8 August 2003, 17:02 »
Sorry I can't help I just find this stuff anoying I hope theres a distro with all these plugins pre instaled
linux is wayyyyy cool
windows plain sucks


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quick question....
« Reply #4 on: 8 August 2003, 17:47 »
Hi, go to and click on browser central. As netscape now is not mainly browser site. Look in small letters on the left "browser central". Once you reach browser central. Click on  find plugins (or something similar) Now  select linux for plugin search it will come with about 20 linux plugins  scroll through them. You will evemtually find Suns Java plugin. It will auto install it for you. If you are installing from none root it is suggested that you put it to your home directory.


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quick question....
« Reply #5 on: 8 August 2003, 21:24 »
Originally posted by TuxLinux:
Hi, go to and click on browser central. As netscape now is not mainly browser site. Look in small letters on the left "browser central". Once you reach browser central. Click on  find plugins (or something similar) Now  select linux for plugin search it will come with about 20 linux plugins  scroll through them. You will evemtually find Suns Java plugin. It will auto install it for you. If you are installing from none root it is suggested that you put it to your home directory.

Already told him.


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quick question....
« Reply #6 on: 9 August 2003, 01:06 »
Thank you TheQuirk, TuxLinux, Flap. I should have figured someone would assume I came straight here, though. I DID search on google and and it always lead me to what I already installed, which is why I thought I would ask. (well, it also lead me to plugins from Netscape, which I assumed would be for.. well.. Netscape. What is Netscape's affiliation with Mozilla, then??   :confused:  )

There's no option to select my OS or browser, it apparently does it for me (You are using Mozilla 5.0 for Linux. Plug-in Manager is optimized for Netscape browsers. Download the latest Netscape browser now.) I'm assuming this is just Netscape nagging me and it'll still work, so I'll give it a shot. Also, their website doesn't have the most friendly layout; under "Browser Plugins" it lists "QuickTime," "Acrobat Reader," "M. Flash Player," "Shockwave by M.," "Real Player" and "Net2Phone." No Java. the Java plugin magically appears on the list when I click "Click here to see if you have the plug-ins listed below installed."   :rolleyes:  Hmm... the link to install the plugin for Linux leads me to a page on the Sun website that looks suspiciously similar to the one I went through to get that other (and apparently more recent) package... I just recently (as in... as I was typing this) learned that my RPM system is majorly screwed up, so it looks like I won't be installing any RPM files until that's fixed anyway. I suppose it's possible that I downloaded the correct file in the first place but it was not installed correctly, if it was broken that far back (I don't know how long it's been). Again, thanks for your replies and sorry for the rambling nature of this post... It looks like I should get to the bottom of this RPM thing before trying the java one.