Author Topic: Need info to persuade large establishment to swap from Wimp$uck please!!!!!  (Read 657 times)


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I desperately need (excuse split-infinitives - I'm all excited!) info on Linux(and alternatives)/OS/applications alternatives to Bill's stuff for a presentation to  someone who knows how to point & click but nothing more. Anything from most basic to however complex as I'll review it (the more respectable the heritage, the better). This may be the first step among many to a better world.
This is a genuine request coming from a major 'establishment' figure in this country. Also, please include any info on what Manky$uck does behind your back, hidden files, security flaws in windows (like WMP flaws). Also stats on Minky$lip's ratio of unix:Wankdope servers, unix history, Whingedope anti-competitive practices, relative sizes/processing requirements for unix vs  Windows systems, ease of system update/patch/downtime requirements, stability of systems and anything else you think may help.
Thankyou to everyone in advance, and the more the better.
Please email to [email protected]
If big docs, just send URL (I think that's the term).
Anything else you think might be of interest, send that too (including info on ease of hacking/viruses/infiltration of Billy G's stuff vs  alts.)
Thanks again.
I see dumb people


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Hmmmm, your request is odd and doesn't quite add up considering the language used but what the hey, this one doesn't take much effort.  Here's a repost of my favorite link:

Microsoft's new security initiative:
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And The Register usually has several new fun bits about MS every day.  Let's start out with a couple of simple ones from today and then we'll move on to one that should make you think, also today.

This one is just like any new daily occurance:

And this is what you can look forward to on Microsoft's vision of the future Internet:

And the one that should really make you think:

Sure, the chances are probably slim that what Microsoft says about removing IE would mean the halt of Win2k, WinXP and any new version of an MS OS.  And the chances are probably even slimmer that the courts will force MS to remove IE from their OS, but just imagine what would happen if both came true. Assume Microsoft isn't lying about it being impossible for them to put out an IE-less OS (what are the chances MS would be lying?).  Assume that the courts say "Too fucking bad, you guys did it to yourself.".  Now, what other company out there produces MS Windows besides MS?  There isn't any.  Now what are you going to do?

If Mandrake goes out of business, who cares, there are many more distros (and even if they did go out of business the Mandrake community would continue the business for free).  All of the Linux businesses can go out of business and Linux will continue to thrive, just as it did before there were any Linux businesses.  IBM supports it, Sun is getting on board now with their own distro.  All of distributions produced by all the other companies are "compatible" with each other.  They all speak the same language, and they all strive to be compatible.  

M$ on the other hand strives *not* to be compatible as their entire goal is to monopolize the market and have all of the power.  Seems to me, if history is any lesson, these types of "empires" ultimately collapse.  It *will* happen to Microsoft.  The question is when.  Will it be tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, 10 years?  It's definately going to happen. Might as well get a head start on everyone else.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...