very odd, but I just updated my kernel, rebooted, and suddenly it's working :confused: i did look into the history and it is correct (now at least). Since it's working i don't wanna mess with it. I just tried out the 2.6 test2 kernel and can't seem to get X to start, and it does not recognize my NIC, think I should file a quick bug report, I checked bugzilla for 'startx' and it came up with nothing. If I am to file a report I should probably copy what the error message gave me when I tried starting x, but I don't know how to copy/paste in command line (yes i am new). I read and followed the instructions
hereand i should not have to do a modprobe intel-agp because I do not have an intel chipset. I know it's a beta so I should not complain. Sorry this is a bit off topic but I don't wanna create a whole new topic if i don't have to you know. Your help is appreciated, Thanks again!