could someone tell me why on IRC there are chat rooms with hundreds to thousands of people trading hacked linux box accounts? i dont see people trading hacked windows boxes
You are right, but most of those aren't from core exploits. People run extra programs that have vulnerabilities of their own. Now, compare hundreds to thousands to the thousands to hundered of thousands of hacked windows machines. Unlike UNIX on winblows you gain access to the whole system instead of just the user it was running on. Don't act like winblows doesn't ever get hacked. I've seen multiple irc channels with over 5000-10000 hacked winblows clients. So don't start getting all cocky about things you don't even know what you are talking about.
Winblows is a paradise for worms, virii, and trojans. Think about it, if you were a virus would you want to live in Hawaii, or in a working systemized enviorment such as a big city, where you can't really do what you want.
[ June 01, 2002: Message edited by: dwar ]